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Wednesday, 25 February 2015

[ Liebster Award ]

I've been nominated for the 'Liebster Award' by Alex from Lifestylefunxion, thank you Alex! The Liebster Awards are basically a platform for new bloggers to share a little bit about themselves & the rules are as follows...

  • Link back to the person that nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that have less than 200 followers and notify them.
  • Make a list of 11 questions for them to answer.

  • 1. What are you most proud of?

    I am probably most proud of the fact that I've managed to come back to university this year after having to take time off due to illness on 2014. I was diagnosed with M.E/CFS a few years ago(see Katharine's post about being at university with M.E here for a great explanation of how it feels & more details about the illness.) and it all caught up with me and I wasn't able to do the long hours and massive workload of an art course on top of being unwell. Luckily, although it has by no means gone away, I am now so close to finally finishing my Design Crafts degree, fingers crossed I will get there after a few more months of hard work!

    2. What is your favorite blog? 

    At the moment I'm really enjoying posts from Apartment Apothecary & Claireabellemakes, especially the DIY pieces!

    3. Who is your biggest fashion inspiration?

    I don't have one particular inspiration, I take inspiration from lots of different places, Instagram, magazines, charity shops & friends.

    4. What is your favorite drink?

    I've been drinking so much tea at the moment in the studio and a lot of coffee to keep me awake!

    5. What if your favorite outfit?

    Definitely my mom jeans at the moment (a bit like these ones below from Amy) with a T-shirt or blouse, glittery socks and lots of jewellery. 

    6. What is your favorite magazine?

    I've recently discovered 'Oh Comely' I love the layout, drawings & photos and its been great for sketchbook inspiration & scrapbooking

    7. Makeup or clothes?

    Clothes. (and jewellery!) 

    8. What is your favorite film?

    I don't really have a favourite film (I usually fall asleep before I get to the end anyway!) but I love anything about crime or serial killers - I was going to do criminology at uni before I chose Design Crafts.

    9. Do you have any pets?

    We have two really cute but slightly stupid dogs, Zack & Olly. 

    Olly - Likes jumping on your lap when you least expect it, eats anything & loves swimming.

    Zack - Steals all of Olly's toys, is scared of loud noises
    & is obsessed with mealtimes.

    My questions to you...

    1. What inspires you?
    2. Why did you start your blog?
    3. What new skill would you most like to learn?
    4. Favourite place to visit.
    5. What do you hope to accomplish this year?
    6. What is your favourite piece of jewellery?
    7. Share the blogs you most enjoy reading.
    8. Summer or winter?
    9. Do you speak any other languages?
    10. What makes you happy?
    11. Favourite quote.

    Looking forward to reading all of  your answers! x 


    1. Hey thank you so much for nominating me you lovely thing :) I loved reading your answers! And I will of course endeavor to answer your questions too! yay! xx

      1. I've only just seen this, thank you! Look forwards to reading yours too! :) xx

    2. Thank you so much for nominating me Katy! I loved reading your answers. Huge congratulations on getting back to University this year- that's fantastic! I hope the last few months go smoothly and your body is kind to you :) As soon as I have the energy I will get going on my answers x

      1. Thank you Faye! I appreciate it, fingers crossed! Of course no rush, hope you are doing okay :) x
